Welcome to the FigMayo How To Guide. It is a Figma community library, a sample Design System and the source of the content for these pages all rolled into one. You can copy it, use it as a basis for your project or as a guide to help you understand how you can document your design system in FigMayo at insane speed.
Follow the steps below to see how quickly this library can be converted to a fully hosted documentation reference website.
Step 1 - Copy
Copy the file into your drafts from the Figma community.
Step 2 - Publish
Make any tweaks you want and publish the file as a Figma library.
Step 3 - Sign Up
Sign up to FigMayo for free, click Add Library and paste the share link to your library into the field.
Step 4 - Wait a min
Wait for a couple of minutes while we generate your documentation website.
Step 5 - Done
There is no step 5. Your documentation website is up and running.